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Why not

67 y/o homme    Oslo, Norvège  

If you want to know me you must write to me! I am a hard working man. Loving my children and life in general. I do a lot of sport in summer as well as in the wintertime. I love th... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à stiggen de Oslo

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Blond blue eyed god ;-)

51 y/o homme    De Bilt, Pays-Bas  

Honnest man looking for nice girl who will make me happy. I like cooking ( i've been a cook for 9 years ), film ( in and out doors), going out, dancing, romance, eating, long legs... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à Sander de De Bilt

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To be added

60 y/o homme    Salt Lake City , Etats-Unis  

To be added... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à de Salt Lake City

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working on this section

53 y/o homme    Franklin, Tennessee, Etats-Unis  

My soul has always overflowed with ideas, visions dancing through my mind like fireflies on a summer night. I am an eternal optimist, seeing the unfolding beauty in each moment, fi... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à Daniel de Franklin, Tennessee

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Man with needs.

57 y/o homme    Cheshire, Royaume-Uni  

Looking for a woman of qualities in the areas of sensuality and the ability to excite me. I love sexy women who have mastered the art of teasing. Wink I am an intelligent man a... Plus au sujet de /plus de/ plus à Lennie de Cheshire

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5 trouvé. Pages: [1]   Vue galerie de photos